• Ceramic Ceramic

    Fumeijing Group S7MAX 50KPA 170PSI 6kw Portable Heated Carpet Extractor

    S7 50Kpa 170PSI heated carpet extractorunique cleaningProfessional carpet cleaning equipment The S7 PRO rotary carpet extractor is a new generation of high-end cleaning equipment specially designed for customers who require small size, strong suction, and high temperat


    S7 50Kpa 170PSI heated carpet extractor 

    unique cleaning

    Professional carpet cleaning equipment


    The S7 PRO rotary carpet extractor is a new generation of high-end cleaning equipment specially designed for customers who require small size, strong suction, and high temperature. The car can also be taken away! The PRO version of the main unit has a powerful 50KPA suction, can dry quickly in 2-5 hours, and can achieve a cleaning capacity of 120-180 square meters per hour! The PRO version of the brushless rotary machine is currently the most advanced brushless rotary machine in the world, with a unique brushless head design (not yet announced), a powerful cleaning ability that can repair carpets that have not been cleaned for 1-10 years and have been washed badly. new!


             The ultra-high-power carpet high-temperature cleaning machine is a high-temperature, high-suction, high-power 220V 6KW non-tripping cleaning equipment. It currently uses the most advanced electronic control technology developed by the factory! Possess a patent for super-high power non-tripping technology! It can turn on 6Kw in homes, theaters, hotels, hotels, office buildings and other places without tripping!


              If the PRO version of the complete set of high-temperature host and brushless rotary machine can bring unique cleaning effects to customers around the world, it will also bring higher profits to global cleaning and housekeeping companies!


    product features:

    1. Cleaning efficiency: The S7Pro version can achieve a cleaning efficiency of 120-180 square meters per hour! Not only washes clean but also dries quickly within 2-5 hours!

    2. Cleaning range: regular and precious carpet cleaning, sofa, curtain, mattress, wall soft bag!

    3. Cleaning effect: The PRO version complete set of equipment can achieve a cleaning effect that cannot be achieved in the existing market, and can keep the carpet clean for a long time (1-3 months)!

    4. Super high power: 220V 6kw without tripping - the only manufacturer in China that can manufacture super high power without tripping - patent

    5. Super suction: Furmic can achieve 50KPA super suction, which can dry quickly!

    6. The product uses all high-quality accessories from the shell to the internal accessories, touch screen design intelligent adjustment, 8-speed heating power adjustment!

    7. The matching high-end sofa head, the nozzle will never be blocked, and the unique design can not only prevent a drop of water from being spilled, but also can dry quickly within 20 minutes to 1 hour! Not only can clean curtains, mattresses, sofas, wall upholstery!

    8. Improve the customer's business competitiveness and cleaning ability! At the same time, create greater cleaning value and unit price profit space for customers! With the cleaning agent imported by Famicom, provide quotation escort for customers to clean and obtain orders!

    9. Bring much more income to customers every year!

    Cleaning advantage

             The PRO version rotary carpet extractor and the upholstery wand tools provided by Fumeijing can solve the difficult problems encountered by customers in conventional carpet cleaning! At the same time, the patou provided can solve the problem of cleaning high-end fabrics for customers!

    亚麻地毯剑麻地毯天丝地毯几千-20 万名贵地毯



             Furmic first provides customers with an ultra-concentrated cleaning agent that can remove most stains on carpets! This cleaning agent is 50 yuan per bucket, whether it is serious pollution in banquet halls or pollution in the rooms and corridors of large hotels! This kind of cleaner can provide a very clean effect, low price and low cost, it is the first choice of customers!

           50 yuan per barrel can clean 400 square meters of heavily polluted carpets! The product needs to be used with a defoamer! $50 per barrel of defoamer! Cleaning 400 square meters of carpet requires a cleaning agent cost of 100 yuan! Combined to 0.4 yuan per square meter!

           In addition to providing ultra-concentrated cleaning agents, Famicom also provides the best special stain cleaning agents in the United States for Chinese customers! These cleaners are all carpet powder! By using the Furmic PRO version of the brushless machine, under the condition of using the same amount of imported cleaning agents, a larger operating area can be increased, and the cleaning can reach 4000-5000 square meters per barrel!

            Pair the best cleaning agent with the world's most advanced carpet brushless machine of Furmic, and the cleaning cost can reach 0.45 yuan per square meter through testing! Compared with other foreign brushless machines, it is impossible to achieve this low cost! This is due to the very high cleaning power of the PRO version brushless machine developed by Furmic!

           Fumeijing is committed to research and development to produce efficient cleaning and reduce customers' costs! The equipment developed by Fumeijing is to be unique and unique!


    (清洗面积 4000-5000 平方)


    (清洗 4000 平方面积)





    (清洗 4000-5000 平方地毯)



    Cleaning Effect

    酒店地毯清洗 pro版本无刷机
    1650 元高端扒头清洗沙发



    福美净 PRO 版本无刷机


    Product Introduce


            If you are tired of inefficient carpet scraping, tired of the tiring physical labor of carpet scraping, and tired of low cleaning power! You may wish to use a brushless machine, which not only brings you amazing cleaning results, but also allows you to complete the cleaning work very easily. High-end cleaning equipment not only brings long-term cleaning to your customers, but also prolongs the service life of the carpet for your customers 5-10 years! When you meet customers who require higher cleaning, when you have nothing to do, the carpet brushless rotary machine will help you complete everything you ask for!


             The brushless rotary machine not only cleans more cleanly, but also protects the carpet, whether you have a wool carpet or a commercial nylon or blended carpet! Since there are no brushes on the bottom, it is more in line with the concept of protecting the carpet! This is the Bird's Nest, the Great Hall of the People, Huawei carpets, TSMC carpets, and BYD carpets choose Famicom's high-end brushless carpet rotary machines!


             The brushless rotary machine solves the pain point that the single-cleaning machine is easy to get dirty after cleaning, and also solves the shortcomings of low efficiency and low cleaning power of the carpet! It perfectly shows the environmental protection concept of carpet cleaning! Compared with the traditional single wipe machine, it can keep clean for a long time of 1 month!





    不受尺寸的限制,无论是小轿车还是 SUV 还是面包车,你都可以轻松的带走!高温主机的尺寸的长度为 505mm,宽度 370mm,高度仅有 710mm,这样的尺寸无论你是平躺的放置还是竖直都可以带走!无刷旋转机通过高度的调节可以满足放置在小轿车里!高温主机的重量仅为 30KG,无刷机重量仅为 28KG,你只需要双手即可放置在车内!


    3. 功能强大,顶级吸力,迅速干燥!

    1.设备提供 0-70KPA 的大力调节,你需要多大的吸力,就调节多大!当你在商业如大酒店,宾馆,可以开启 70KPA 大吸力进行作业!大吸力可以帮助你迅速地完成清洁和带走更深层的污渍!大力吸可以保证清洗地毯在 2-5 小时内迅速干燥!而大吸力又可以确保清洗沙发时做到半小时-1 小时迅速干燥!                          

    2.设备提供水压的调节,当你清洗重度污染时,你可以调节更大的水量,通过 PRO 版本的无刷迅速喷洒出去得水,稀释清洁剂和地毯里面的泥土污渍,通过大吸力迅速回收,完美的完成清洁!当你清洗沙发、窗帘、床垫、不需要太大的水量时通过调节旋钮,即可实现你想要的水量!


    4. 配套高品质旋钮,寿命高达 5 万次!

    不是每一个厂家都会为客户配套价格昂贵的高品质按键, 福美净为客户配套 4KW 加热按键和风机启动按键,当你按下去灯亮代表通电加热或者风机启动!


    5. 50KPA 大吸力

    S7 50KPA 主机搭配了 170PSI 的吸水泵和一个大功率排污泵!能够有效的满足日常清洁的需求


    5. 50KPA 大吸力

    当你用惯了市场上那些吸力小的机器,常规设备都是 22kpa,30kpa,以及目前市场上最大的 40KPA!但是福美净单台风机就可以做到 50KPA 的大力吸!双风机更是为客户带来比进口(60KPA)更大的吸力!



    6. 配套迅速加热的发热装置!

    福美净为客户的设备配套一套体积更小更轻便的即热的发热装置,在你需要温度的时候,你可以开启 4KW 的加热,与之匹配了 8 个加热档位的调节!安装的温度传感器能够有效的探测温度以及实时反馈你的设备温度运转状态!                                                                                                                                


    6. 配套高品质紫铜管!



    8. 双漏电保护-专利设计

    在中国没有哪一家能够做到我们独特的专利设计,在 220V 条件下,无论你是家庭还是写字楼、或者是大酒店、KTV、影院!我们是中国唯一家做到 220V 7KW 不跳闸的制造商!超大功率将会为客户带来不一样的体验!为客户带来更加强劲的动力支持!


    9. 微电脑控制主板!

    没没有哪一家能够像福美净做到,一块价格更贵的电脑主板控制的整台的设备的运转,无论是大力吸风机还是高压水泵,或者是发热装置!主机内置 5 个传感器,能够实时监测设备的运转状态!当你遇到设备故障时,设备能够在几秒钟告诉你故障的部位!模块化的设计,你可以进行简单的维护更换!



    10. 自动进水!



    11. 自动排污,节省劳动力!





    1.配套 10 米一体的蒸汽和吸污软管





    2.传统的单擦配套吸尘器清洁,很容易造成地毯返脏、地毯板结硬化、清洗剂残留严重。清洗剂得的残留会造成异味的产生!所以传统的清洁,一般在 3-4 天清洁后,又会返脏!对于酒店也是十分头疼!



    4.针对这些问题福美净研发的 PRO 版本无刷机,可以针对这些问题,一次性作业彻底解决!


    6.经过福美净培训的客户可以做到月收入2-3 万!




    Product video

